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Looking your best often helps you feel your best.
This is more than just a platitude. It’s actually a real phenomenon that has been studied by the American Psychological Society and researchers believe that there is in fact a correlation between looking good and feeling good!



At Landis Adult Day Services, we believe in the transformative power of truly feeling your best, which involves holistic health and care and extends beyond outward appearance! We help people feel their best and then watch as it improves everything from their mood, to their day, to even their mental health.

Three dishes of food on table

Feeling good is about so much more than just looking good! That’s why Adult Day Services attends to physical needs as well as a host of others. We provide grooming and self-care services – a favorite with clients! – but we also prioritize other aspects of health. At Adult Day Services, we provide delicious and nutritious meals to ensure that nutritional and dietary needs are being met.

In addition to prioritizing nutrition, we also value positive social interaction because we believe in the power of community. Connecting with others and participating in a thriving and flourishing community can do wonders for mental health. At Adult Day Services, clients can make new friends and forge new relationships, which can be particularly valuable for those who may otherwise be feeling a bit isolated.


Landis Adult Day Services provides aging adults with activities and interactions to look forward to and an atmosphere in which they can pursue their hobbies. Our program is geared towards helping our participants truly feel their best in many different areas.



If you’re interested in exploring all that Adult Day Services has to offer, contact us today to learn more!

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